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Interactive Map of Minnesota

WordPress Plugin

  • Does NOT require ANY coding knowledge
  • Well Organized Interface
  • Responsive and Mobile Friendly
  • One-time purchase, No Subscription Fees
  • Free Life Time Updates
  • Tech Support Experts

Try the "World Map" Free Download

Aitkin Anoka Becker Beltrami Benton BigStone BlueEarth Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa Chisago Clay Clearwater Cook Cottonwood CrowWing Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Grant Hennepin Houston Hubbard Isanti Itasca Jackson Kanabec Kandiyohi Kittson Koochiching Lac qui Parle Lake Lakeofthe Woods Le Sueur Lincoln Lyon McLeod Mahnomen Marshall Martin Meeker MilleLacs Morrison Mower Murray Nicollet Nobles Norman Olmsted Otter Tail Pennington Pine Pipestone Polk Pope Ramsey Red Lake Redwood Renville Rice Rock Roseau Saint Louis Scott Sherburne Sibley Stearns Steele Stevens Swift Todd Traverse Wabasha Wadena Waseca Washington Watonwan Wilkin Winona Wright Yellow Medicine * County names can be set as hidden like this example.

Interactive Map of Minnesota - WordPress Plugin

The interactive map of Minnesota WordPress plugin gives you an easy way to install and customize a professional looking interactive map of Minnesota with 87 clickable counties, then insert the shortcode in any page or post to display the map on your WordPress website.

Main Features

  • One-time purchase, no annual or subscription fees.
  • Visual editor - Coding knowledge is NOT required.
  • Well organized interface, easy to use map dashboard.
  • You can use the map shortcode in as many pages as you want to display the map.
  • Install up to 3 instances of the plugin (included) to create 3 maps with different colors, links, etc.
  • New! Easily integrated with 3rd party popup plugins (tested with Popup Maker *free*), so you can open a modal window for each county. Watch this short Youtube Video.
  • Responsive and fully resizable.
  • Works perfectly on desktops along with smartphones.
  • Small file size > Fast loading > SEO friendly.

List of the clickable counties in the map of Minnesota

Each county can be customized independently (colors, link, hover information, etc).

  1. Aitkin
  2. Anoka
  3. Becker
  4. Beltrami
  5. Benton
  6. Big Stone
  7. Blue Earth
  8. Brown
  9. Carlton
  10. Carver
  11. Cass
  12. Chippewa
  13. Chisago
  14. Clay
  15. Clearwater
  1. Cook
  2. Cottonwood
  3. Crow Wing
  4. Dakota
  5. Dodge
  6. Douglas
  7. Faribault
  8. Fillmore
  9. Freeborn
  10. Goodhue
  11. Grant
  12. Hennepin
  13. Houston
  14. Hubbard
  15. Isanti
  1. Itasca
  2. Jackson
  3. Kanabec
  4. Kandiyohi
  5. Kittson
  6. Koochiching
  7. Lac qui Parle
  8. Lake
  9. Lake of the Woods
  10. Le Sueur
  11. Lincoln
  12. Lyon
  13. McLeod
  14. Mahnomen
  15. Marshall
  1. Martin
  2. Meeker
  3. Mille Lacs
  4. Morrison
  5. Mower
  6. Murray
  7. Nicollet
  8. Nobles
  9. Norman
  10. Olmsted
  11. Otter Tail
  12. Pennington
  13. Pine
  14. Pipestone
  15. Polk
  1. Pope
  2. Ramsey
  3. Red Lake
  4. Redwood
  5. Renville
  6. Rice
  7. Rock
  8. Roseau
  9. Saint Louis
  10. Scott
  11. Sherburne
  12. Sibley
  13. Stearns
  14. Steele
  15. Stevens
  1. Swift
  2. Todd
  3. Traverse
  4. Wabasha
  5. Wadena
  6. Waseca
  7. Washington
  8. Watonwan
  9. Wilkin
  10. Winona
  11. Wright
  12. Yellow Medicine

Customer Reviews

What a great, user-friendly map! Does everything I need and looks beautiful. Customer support is awesome, the developer is kind and helpful. Highly recommend this plugin!


If you need a flexible map plugin with the BEST support available AND for as inexpensive as it is, you want this Interactive Map plugin. Hands down the best service and communication I've ever had with a developer of products I've purchased. I never expected the service I got. Buy this plugin, you will NOT be disappointed.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can write any text and add images.

Yes, it’s SVG based (Not Flash) and it's responsive and fully resizable, it works perfectly on desktop along with mobile devices smartphone.

Yes, starting from the plugin version V2.4 you can use more than one map in the same page.

Yes, you can install up to 3 instances of the plugin to create 2nd and 3rd maps (included).

Yes, simply un-check the 'active' box beside any county to make it inactive.

Yes, also you can choose to open it in the same window or in a new window or open a modal window with the help of the Popup Maker plugin (watch video).

Yes, we offer customization service for extra cost, please contact us for more details.

Plugin Version: 2.7
Tested up to: WP 6.7.2
Tested on: ✓✓

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