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Interactive Map of Japan

WordPress Plugin

  • Does NOT require ANY coding knowledge
  • Well Organized Interface
  • Responsive and Mobile Friendly
  • One-time purchase, No Subscription Fees
  • Free Life Time Updates
  • Tech Support Experts

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北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県 茨城県 栃木県 群馬県 埼玉県 千葉県 東京都 神奈川県 新潟県 富山県 石川県 福井県 山梨県 長野県 岐阜県 静岡県 愛知県 三重県 滋賀県 京都府 大阪府 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 広島県 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 沖縄県

Interactive Map of Japan - WordPress Plugin

The interactive map of Japan WordPress plugin gives you an easy way to install and customize a professional looking interactive map of Japan with 47 clickable prefectures, then insert the shortcode in any page or post to display the map on your WordPress website.

Main Features

  • One-time purchase, no annual or subscription fees.
  • Visual editor - Coding knowledge is NOT required.
  • Well organized interface, easy to use map dashboard.
  • You can use the map shortcode in as many pages as you want to display the map.
  • Install up to 3 instances of the plugin (included) to create 3 maps with different colors, links, etc.
  • New! Easily integrated with 3rd party popup plugins (tested with Popup Maker *free*), so you can open a modal window for each prefecture. Watch this short Youtube Video.
  • Responsive and fully resizable.
  • Works perfectly on desktops along with smartphones.
  • Small file size > Fast loading > SEO friendly.

List of the clickable prefectures in the map of Japan

Each prefecture can be customized independently (colors, link, hover information, etc).

  1. Hokkaidō [北海道]
  2. Aomori [青森県]
  3. Iwate [岩手県]
  4. Miyagi [宮城県]
  5. Akita [秋田県]
  6. Yamagata [山形県]
  7. Fukushima [福島県]
  8. Ibaraki [茨城県]
  9. Tochigi [栃木県]
  10. Gunma [群馬県]
  1. Saitama [埼玉県]
  2. Chiba [千葉県]
  3. Tōkyō [東京都]
  4. Kanagawa [神奈川県]
  5. Niigata [新潟県]
  6. Toyama [富山県]
  7. Ishikawa [石川県]
  8. Fukui [福井県]
  9. Yamanashi [山梨県]
  10. Nagano [長野県]
  1. Gifu [岐阜県]
  2. Shizuoka [静岡県]
  3. Aichi [愛知県]
  4. Mie [三重県]
  5. Shiga [滋賀県]
  6. Kyōto [京都府]
  7. Ōsaka [大阪府]
  8. Hyōgo [兵庫県]
  9. Nara [奈良県]
  10. Wakayama [和歌山県]
  1. Tottori [鳥取県]
  2. Shimane [島根県]
  3. Okayama [岡山県]
  4. Hiroshima [広島県]
  5. Yamaguchi [山口県]
  6. Tokushima [徳島県]
  7. Kagawa [香川県]
  8. Ehime [愛媛県]
  9. Kōchi [高知県]
  10. Fukuoka [福岡県]
  1. Saga [佐賀県]
  2. Nagasaki [長崎県]
  3. Kumamoto [熊本県]
  4. Ōita [大分県]
  5. Miyazaki [宮崎県]
  6. Kagoshima [鹿児島県]
  7. Okinawa [沖縄県]
Note: An English version of this map is also available for no extra cost.

Customer Reviews

What a great, user-friendly map! Does everything I need and looks beautiful. Customer support is awesome, the developer is kind and helpful. Highly recommend this plugin!


If you need a flexible map plugin with the BEST support available AND for as inexpensive as it is, you want this Interactive Map plugin. Hands down the best service and communication I've ever had with a developer of products I've purchased. I never expected the service I got. Buy this plugin, you will NOT be disappointed.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can write any text and add images.

Yes, it’s SVG based (Not Flash) and it's responsive and fully resizable, it works perfectly on desktop along with mobile devices smartphone.

Yes, starting from the plugin version V2.4 you can use more than one map in the same page.

Yes, you can install up to 3 instances of the plugin to create 2nd and 3rd maps (included).

Yes, simply un-check the 'active' box beside any prefecture to make it inactive.

Yes, also you can choose to open it in the same window or in a new window or open a modal window with the help of the Popup Maker plugin (watch video).

Yes, we offer customization service for extra cost, please contact us for more details.

Plugin Version: 2.7
Tested up to: WP 6.7.2
Tested on: ✓✓

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